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Inventory ManagerInventory Manager

The Inventory Manager can help you add, modify and delete the inventory on your website with ease. Specifically built for businesses that sell large items such as trucks, trailers, heavy equipment, boats, RVs, airplanes, automobiles and more, the Inventory Manager is your all-in-one tool for website inventory management. There is no software to download or install on your computer! Just access the completely web-based, easy-to-use, "point and click" interface with a unique username and password from work, home or any computer with an Internet connection.

Once inside the administrative area, users can add/modify/delete inventory listings on their sites in just moments. You can describe each piece of inventory in an as much detail as you desire. Customize the detail fields if needed, or limit the information to just one general description field. Each listing can store up to four images, which our system automatically processes and reformats for quick download. You don't have to worry about formatting the images with special software before you submit them online, and your customers will never have to download large image files. This ease of use keeps potential customers on your site looking for what they need rather than making them so frustrated they move to a better website!

Network Partnerships

When you update your Inventory Manager powered website, that information instantly posts to more than one location. Your site is set up as an affiliate with all our networking partners, who also list your items on their sites. Every time you update the inventory on your site, that information is instantaneously updated on our network partner sites as well! This extra distribution increases the reach of your information, thus increasing the number of potential customers who will see it.

Multiple Dealerships

The Inventory Manager is the perfect fit for companies with multiple dealerships! Through our Multi-User set-up, each dealer location has individual access, and its unique contact information is included with any listings it posts. If the dealer has its own website, its inventory posts to the dealer site as well as to the corporate site, which can be set up as an affiliate. If the dealer does not have an individual site, the inventory posts directly to the corporate site. Plus, these same listings post to our Network Partner sites as well! This simultaneous distribution at multiple locations for every piece of inventory greatly increases the reach of your online listings. Having more eyes viewing your inventory generates a greater opportunity for sales. The dealer benefits from the accuracy of the inventory posted on the corporate site, and the corporate office benefits because the responsibility of inventory updates falls to the dealerships. The added value of these features make our services that much more valuable, so join us today!

Our Inventory Manager also provides some other very useful marketing tools, including "printable versions" of each listing that can be used as sales brochures or can be easily faxed to customers. The customer can also print out your listings, which include your company contact information for easy reply.

Another wonderful feature included with every listing is the "Request More Info" button, which allows any customer to contact you immediately by an email that includes their contact information as well as a link to the inventory listing they were viewing. This feature makes it easy for customers to contact you, and makes you look smart when you get back to them with relevant information readily available.

Standard Features:
Individual Listing Counters, Contact Manager, Send a Quote, Printable Version, Request More Information.

Other Available Options:
Featured Inventory, New/Used/Rental, Press Release, Wanted Ads, Site Statistics.


© This site is powered by Auction Manager, a service of Santiam Data Systems LLC. 2025.